Saturday, July 21, 2012

Shootings in history linked to new and full moons!

For a long time I have been following the moon cycles, how it effects my life, my dreams, my cravings and the bickering that goes on in my house.

Having an Applied Science Degree I came up with a hypothesis that people are directly effected by the moon's gravitational pull.

It sounds simple when you look at the gravitational pull in our oceans and rivers that are affected by high and low tides. Think about this, if the moons gravity can pull the ocean which is water and is also 75% of this planet,,, then why can't it pull the 75% of water that makes up our brain??

I can speak on behalf of a handful of close people including myself when I tell you that when there is a new moon, we all have strange dreams, vivid dreams, clear dreams,,

I believe that just like people are left handed or right handed, the affect the moon has on us is just as significant, whether it is a full moon or a new moon.

For some people a full moon brings feelings of calm and harmonious energy. Additionally the extreme opposite affect where they feel neurotic, excited, and sometimes even evil.

After the massacre in Denver, I decided to do some online research and see if my hypothesis is correct.. Here is what I found.

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